
  • University of Cambridge, 2022

    Year 9부터 지속적인 가이드로, 이번에 University of Cambridge , 에 입학하는데 큰 도움을 받아 추천 드립니다.

  • Yonsei University, 2024

    Mr. Dale was far more than a teacher to me. He was a great mentor who inspired and guided me while I was a KS5 student. Mr. Dale gave me the advice which I needed the most and direction whenever I felt lost. I managed to find what I was most passionate about and he provided me with many opportunities to develop myself, such as an internship at British Council and various leadership programmes. All of these experiences were the key to the success of my student life that then helped me get into Yonsei University. Always appreciate your hard work for getting me over the hurdles.

  • University of Amsterdam, 2023

    I remember myself struggling a lot with language barriers. I couldn't understand a single word what my teachers were saying in the class and most of the time I was crying (hahah) feeling hopeless. Mr Dale was always there to support me and guide me through my whole academic year and I can't imagine how I would have done what I have achieved so far without him. In my memory he is very humorous to make students feel more at ease but at the same time giving valuable advise that students can follow immediately. Even after graduation whenever I had problems with my academic career he always gave me great piece of advise and I deeply appreciate it.

  • University of Melbourne, 2023

    Mr Dale is a very active teacher and he would make classes very engaging. He taught me Economics and makes it very digestible and interesting for me to understand. He has definitely inspired in me a love for Economics and I am pursuing it as a major currently in university.

  • RMIT, 2023

    Mr. Dale's unconventional yet effective method of communicating course materials has assisted me and many of my peers in developing critical thinking skills and deepening our understanding of the subject. He also acted as a friend, bridging the gap between students and teachers. On a personal level, I greatly appreciates him as he believed in me and never stop supporting me throughout his year in Vietnam. Thank you for all you’ve done!

  • University of Melbourne, 2025

    제가 에이레벨 과정에 적응하고 좋은 성적을 낼 수 있었던 데에는 데일쌤이 잘 이끌어주신 부분이 크게 도움이 됐다고 생각해요. 새로운 학업 과정을 이수하려다보니 처음에는 생소하고 어려운 부분도 있었지만 그때마다 데일 쌤이 짚어주시는 제 취약점과 공부 포인트들이 도움이 됐어요. 학업 뿐만 아니라 학교 생활적인 측면에서도 많은 도움을 주셨는데 제가 힘들어보일때면 먼저 다가와주셔서 저보다 제 미래에 대해 고민을 해주시는 점이 정말 감사했어요! 표현이 부족하지만 늘 감사합니다 데일쌤!

  • Seoul Scholars International

    Mr. Kim used to teach my child in her previous school and his diligence in maintaining a proper learning environment as well as understanding each student's different needs and personalities were strong points. Also, the consistency in which his teaching progressed is also worth mentioning since I believe that helps to keep students grounded and focused. My daughter is now at a different school for the arts and is currently studying art. She has found joy in that area and will be most probably continue to study in that field whether or not she will attend an arts school or a regular university. I hope Mr. Kim can continue to contribute to Queen's College Seoul!

  • University of Iowa, 2022

    Mr Dale was instrumental in my love for Business and Economics. His A Level Economics class was fun yet essential and applicable to the corporate world. He also supported me with my personal statements, which helped me earn offers from top Dutch universities, including University of Amsterdam and Erasmus School of Economics, though I chose the U.S as my college destination. Thank you so much Mr Dale for your support!

  • St Pauls, 2026

    Mr Kim allowed me to excel myself in areas of math and science in Harrow. His lectures made my GCSE grades to boost from 5/6s to a solid 9. Most importantly, his teaching skills are on the top - he easily comprehends intimidating concepts, and makes me completely understand the topic. I totally appreciate his advices about schools and courses, which helped me a lot during my secondary years!

  • Head of Market Development, UK. Utrecht University, 2020

    I really loved studying in Mr. Dale’s class. He is so different from other teachers because he really pays attention to students’ mental health. One time I was suffering severely from homesickness, so I ignored my study. Mr. Dale is the only person recognized this and let my parents know about my issue. Later on, I got the support both from my teacher and my family, and improved significantly on my progress. I pushed myself 100% and scored high grades on the Economics exam. Mr. Dale made me realise how important it is to take care of my mental heath. As I have become an adult now, I help other people dealing with depression and I also have good-quality standard of living where I always try my best and understand myself more and more. Thank you so much Mr. Dale!

  • Architectural Association School of Architecture, London

    I very appreciate Sanghon’s clear and comprehensive instruction of his teaching.

  • National Mathematics and Science College, 2024

    제 아들 Jason이 한국에서 국제학교에 다니는동안 김상헌 선생님께 지도를 받았습니다.

    저학년까지는 상대적으로 진도 및 학업 강도가 느슨한 캐나다 교육 과정을 따르는 국제학교에 다니다가, 영국 교육 과정을 따르는 국제학교로 전학하게 되어 아이가 학업적으로 많이 힘들어 했습니다.

    그 때, 저희 아들을 포기하지 않고, 지도해주셨던 분이 김상헌 선생님이십니다. 수학적 개념이 약한 아이에게 기본 개념부터 차근차근 확실하게 가르쳐주셨고, 필요하면 열 번이고, 스무 번이고 반복해서 설명해주셨다는 이야기를 아이를 통해 들었었습니다. 그 결과, Jason은 자신감을 갖게 되었고, 학업적으로 놀라울 만큼 크게 성장하였습니다.

    성적 향상 뿐만 아니라, 기본적인 가치관 및 학업을 대하는 자세에 바른 영향을 주신 부분도 제가 선생님께 감사해하는 부분입니다. 정체성을 확립해나가는 청소년기에 선생님처럼 좋은 스승을 만난 것은 저희 아이에게는 큰 행운이었습니다. 외국에서 유학 생활을 하는 지금도, 큰 결정을 해야 하거나, 힘들 일이 있을 때에는 선생님께 연락해서 조언을 구하는 것으로 알고 있습니다.

    현재 Jason은 영국에 있는 National Mathematics and Science College의 A-level course에서 Math, Physics 및 Chemistry를 선택하여 공부하고 있습니다. 세 과목 모두 김상헌 선생님께서 가르쳐주셨던 과목이고, predicted A level grade는 모두 A*/A를 받았다고 들었습니다.


  • Penn State, 2023

    I have known Mr. Dale for roughly 7 years now when I was a student at British Vietnamese International School. Mr. Dale started as my Business Studies teacher in Year 10. Later on, he taught me Economics for A Level and became my form tutor in Year 13. Inside the classroom, Mr. Dale has always been the one who looked after student progress and always pushed me to reach my potential. I remembered that during the time studying Econ for A Level, the entire class ended early and he spent time with us to go over the chapters that we were stuck at. Out of all of my classes in A Level, Mr. Dale was the only one who compiled all the past exams and combined them into a folder with the answers at the back when we can find them online. This alone made me feel like Mr. Dale was a very thoughtful and responsible teacher. I do not remember how many times I got in trouble for doing teenage stuff and had to see Mr. Dale but he always forgave me and told me to sort myself out. Before studying Economics, I did not know what it is or how it functions and how can we apply it in real life. Studying Economics with Mr. Dale inspired me to pursue one of my majors right now in college which is Economics.

    Outside of the classroom, I treated Mr. Dale as a friend to me because, even though I got shouted at a lot, every conversation that I had with him outside of the classroom made me feel like for the first time.

    To all the students who will attend Mr. Dale’s school in the future, I just want to let you know that despite Mr. Dale can be very intimidating and strict, he does that for the sake of making you a better young adult/ student. He will not be as nice to you by praising you a lot or giving you unlimited housepoints, but if you want to be a mature person, meeting Mr. Dale will surely be the best decision of your life.

  • Rhode Island School of Design, 2023

    Mr Kim helped me in the subject physics which I use to suffer the most. He was not only my physics teacher but also a life instructor. Mr Kim was nothing like the other instructors I had. He didn’t simply teach me physics equations and told me to put in numbers to solve questions but helped me to be a part of the question to not just solve it but enjoy it. He has the ability to change one’s hatred towards a certain subject to enjoyment and make one want to learn more of it. Mr Kim was also a life instructor. One that does not just teach a subject but one that guides and shows the infinitely different paths we are given in the future. He surely gave me a new experience I will never easily be able to have in my life again. I wish others have these kind of experiences to be able to know what they like and want to know in the future.

  • OIC, 2024

    "Peter와 Luke는 올해 9월에 OIC에서 A-level과정을 시작했습니다. 영국에 가기전에 Bek에서 김상헌 선생님께 수학과 과학 과목을 약 6년동안 배웠습니다

    기초가 부족한 상태에서 선생님을 만나 학업적으로 정말 많이 발전했습니다. 아이들의 장단점을 잘 파악하시고 성향에 맞는 학습법을 제시해주셨고 아이들이 잘 이해할수 있게 설명을 정말 잘 해주셨습니다. 아이들이 이해할때까지 지속적으로 설명해주셨으며 확인해주셨습니다. 학업뿐만 아니라 인성 형성이나 진로 설정에도 많은 도움을 주셨습니다. 아이들이 선생님을 많이 의지하고 존경했고 저도 선생님이 계셔서 믿고 bek에 애들을 보낼 수 있었습니다

    김상헌 선생님이 안계셨다면 지금 영국에서 공부할 실력이나 상황이 안되었을거라 생각합니다

    아이들에게 진심어린 애정을 가지고 지도해 주시고 이끌어 주신 선생님께 정말 감사드립니다"

  • King Henry VIII, 2027

    루니는 현재 말레이시아의 국제학교에 다니고 있으며, 유학 전 Queen's College의 선생님들로 부터 학습적인 부분은 물론이고 유대감 형성을 통한 국제학교 적응에 도움을 받았습니다.

  • Korean School

    "한국에 영국교육을 내세우는 많은 곳들이 있지만 그중 대부분은 현지 경험이 없는 강사분들이 학원 내에서 주입식으로, 학습만 중요시 여기는 경우들을 많이 봤습니다.

    Queen's College Seoul 이 기대되는 이유는 이곳을 이끄는 교사분들이 실제 본인들이 영국에서의 학습 경험을 토대로 학생들의 교육을 이끌어 가주신다는 점입니다. 단순히 주입식이 아닌, 학생들이 다방면으로 탐구하고 생각할 수 있는 힘을 길러준다는 점도 높게 사고 싶습니다. 이는 청소년기의 학생들이 쉽게 배움을 포기하지 않고 학습에서 즐거움을 찾을 수 있기 때문에 매우 중요합니다.

    좋은 교사분들이 이끌어갈 Queen's College Seoul 개교를 진심으로 축하하며, 앞으로 국내 학생들이 더 다양하고 좋은 배움을 얻어갈 수 있기를 희망합니다."